Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Why does ADHD impact academic performance and what can be done to Annotated Bibliography

Why does ADHD impact academic performance and what can be done to support ADHD children in the classroom - Annotated Bibliography Example The authors are highly qualified being medical practitioners and the information are still applicable due to recency of publication. The article could therefore be cited and useful in the current study. The authors conducted a study that aimed to predict the impact of methylphenidate, a common stimulant medication used in the treatment of ADHD, in the academic performance of those diagnosed with the illness. Corkum, et. al. (2010) sought the participation of a group composed of 85 children with ADHD and measured the effect of other variables (current and amount of medication used, academic support, age, sex and IQ levels) on academic performance. Over a 12-month period, the results revealed that â€Å" neither medication nor academic supports significantly predict academic achievement over and above the covariates of baseline performance and IQ† (Corkum, McGonnell, & Schachar, 2010, p. 1). The contents of the article are relevant for the current study in identifying crucial factors that influence academic performance of children with ADHD. With the article being most recently published, the results are viable and credible to support contentions for the current study. The author proffered pertinent issues relative to various medical and psychological interventions that assist children with ADHD in improving academic performance. Implications for educational practice include reconceptualization of ADHD and the need to change education practices. Despite the concise information provided, the article contained significant information in terms of academic support and improving executive function. With the exemplary competence and qualifications of the author and the applicability of data being published fairly recently in 2007, this article could be cited as useful in the current study. The site presented information reporting the recent findings of a study conducted by Lee Thompson, the Chair of Case Western Reserve Universitys

Monday, February 3, 2020

Cost Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Cost Accounting - Essay Example The stainless steel is manufactured in five main processes. These processes are melting, hot rolling, annealing and pickling, cold rolling and finishing. All the processes are done in different departments. The process of steel manufacturing starts with melting in the melt shop. In this department the scrap is melted. The scrap acts as the raw material of the stainless steel. Once the scrap is melted in the melting the output is transferred to the hot rolling mill for further processing. In this rolling department the meted scrap is rolled two meter wide. Once the hot rolling department is done with its work then the output is transferred to the annealing and pickling department for further processing. In this department fine coil of thickness varying from 1.2 mm to 13 mm is produced. The mechanical properties of the stainless steel are regained in this process. Some of these coils are sold to the industries the remaining ones are transferred to the fourth process of cold rolling. He nce the cost is allocated after considering the products which is sold to the industries. In cold rolling and annealing department the thickness of the coil is again reduced to 0.3mm in order to meet up the customers’ needs. In this process the coil is rolled into a flat surface to give the stainless steel flatness. Once this is done the output from this department is transferred to the metal finishing department. In this department the flat stainless steel is cut into different shapes and sizes which will be ultimately sold to the market (ArcelorMittal-c, n.d). As the manufacturing is done in a series of processes therefore the costing of the outputs must be done as per the process costing. While manufacturing any product many costs are incurred. Some of these costs can be identified form the products and some cannot. The costs which can be traced form the product are directly