Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Self Reflection Analysis Everybody Has One A...

Self-Reflection Analysis Kellae Gyening Troy University Dr. Barbara Toner February 18, 2016 Self-Reflection Analysis â€Å"Everybody has one—a personality, that is—and yours will help determine the boundaries of your success and life fulfillment† ( (Schultz Schultz, 2012, p. 2). Correspondingly, the authors emphasize that personality is the most significant attribute of all individuals. Gordon Allport introduced the world to the original theoretical view of personality traits in 1937 (Phelps, 2015). Specifications of his theory classified 50 characterizations of personality, categorized as traits (Allport 1937, as cited in Phelps, 2015). Up until the present time with the exception of supplementary characterizations and theories, minimal theoretical shifts have transpired. Accordingly, Allport came to be known as the originator of the theory of personality (Phelps, 2015). Self-Reflection According to the Meyer -Briggs Type Indicator, I am considered to be an ENFP. This represents Extrovert (E), iNtuitive (N), Feeling (F), and Perceiving (P), all of which signify four aspects of preferences, which classify individual style of personality. (Butt Heiss, n.d.). After taking the inventory I discovered that I am considered to be both an idealistic and people person, perceiving everything as part of a â€Å"cosmic whole† (Butt Heiss, n.d., p. n.p). Additionally, indications of this type, aspire to aid others in need and have a desire to be well-liked, bothShow MoreRelatedThe Importance of Self-Reflection1235 Words   |  5 Pagesindividuals personality develops out of the perception of those who are around them and how they interactions with people in the community (Martin Yeung, 2003). This enables one to internalize and assume what people perceive them to be. People construct their personalities based on other peoples opinions on them. The society moulds langu age and communication skills, conflict handling and better judgments. This reflects of how they need to relate with others hence molding their personality throughRead MoreQualitative Reflection1032 Words   |  5 PagesWhen you look in the mirror what do you see? Everybody asked this question responds with a similar answer, you see yourself, of course. But individually, you are so much more than that. You study your reflection wondering what people think of you, what traits you possess, what are your strengths and weakness, and other components that make you, you. This study takes a closer look at those traits and characteristics to analyze how you are perceived through the eyes of another. Statement of PurposeRead MoreBehavioral Differences Of Multicultural Team Working With Models Of National Cultural Differences1481 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction The precise meaning of culture seems too difficult to grasp, but it might be described as shared values, behaviors and assumptions that distinguish one group from another and are passed on from one generation to the next (Schein. E, 1990). Culture can leave a very significant influence on cognition and perception without even being aware of it (Schneider S.C., Barsoux J.L. and Stahl G.K., 2014). So culture differs from country to country at some extent. National cultural differencesRead MoreHow The Group Members Co Operate Between One Another During The Discussions And Preparation Of The Presentation Essay1498 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction In this assignment, I am going to do a self-reflection report regarding on how the group members co-operate between one another during the discussions and preparation of the presentation. Also, the implication of the Managing Organisation and People (MOP) theories that have been taught by the lecturer in the classes to be implied in this assignment. The theories will be consists of communication, leadership, decision-making, and lastly but not the least teamwork. The structure of thisRead MoreBrand Identity of Armani3007 Words   |  13 PagesBRAND IDENTITY- The Concept Brand management starts from the concept of brand identity. Brand identity has been defined as a word or a logo, related to a product, that at the beginning has no sense and then, year after year, it acquires a meaning determined by the products and the communications of the past. Firms can’t manage directly the sense behind their brands but they have to manage it through brand identity as perceived by the market. While brand image is a reception concept, identity is onRead MorePersonal Note On Self Awareness1418 Words   |  6 Pages Self-awareness is always a helpful trait to have in any facet of life. Dr. Kahlib Fischer said that the task of completing the self-awareness test is a â€Å"means of helping you come to terms with ways that God has gifted and equipped you to serve His purposes in whatever organization He has you in† (2006). Being aware of your own weaknesses and strengths can help you strive to be a better version of your current self. How, you may ask? For me, I know that time management and attention to detail areRead MoreEssay about Why Is Personal Identity Important in Lockes View?1596 Words   |  7 Pagesmemory and self consciousness, and diversity is the faculty to transfer memories across bodies and souls. In order to make his point more understandable, Locke defines man and person. Locke identifies a man as an animal of a certain form and a person as a thinking intelligent being. Furthermore, to Locke, a person has reasons and reflections and can consider itself as being itself in different times and places; and he/she does it with his/her consciousness (429). Basically, personal self is a particularRead MoreQuestions On The Industrial Revolution1668 Words   |  7 PagesI/O PSYCHOLOGY FINAL PAPER 2 Table of Contents Introduction†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦3 Review of Major Theory†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.4 Review of Chosen studies†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.4-7 Rà ©fà ©rences†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..8 Author’s Reflection†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦9 RAFAEL Z. I/O PSYCHOLOGY FINAL PAPER 3 Ever since the marking of the Industrial Revolution (1760-1840), employee performance in the workplace was vital. The industrial revolution marked the beginnings of mass productionRead MoreAnalysis Of Schulich School Of Business Essay1702 Words   |  7 PagesSchulich School of Business, is one of the most contending business schools across the countries. Schulich creates an environment that helps students to build profound business skills, as well as to establish strong personal connections for the future. The prominent professors, and the consolidated program of Schulich guide students to be competitive in the real business world. Managing Contemporary Enterprise, also known as MGMT 1000, is a course taught by Dr. Jean Adams that help students toRead MoreCritical Analysis of a TV Show: House4654 Words   |  19 Pages16 House-TV Show A Critical Analysis House is one of the most favorite American TV shows which has seen its twists and turns and has managed to keep its viewers mesmerized for several years. The very theme of the drama originates from the fact that everybody has a tendency to lie in given circumstances and also other humans cannot be trusted. This same theme is reflected in every action of the lead character Dr. Gregory House. House can be seen as a detailed analysis of how humans react to each

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Analysis Of Death On The Pale Horse - 1097 Words

This paper is going to analyze the context within which the work of art, Death on the Pale Horse was created. In addition, the paper will also discuss the medium that the artist selected and highlight a number of the other fascinating aspects of this Benjamin West painting. Benjamin West first displayed his work of art in 1784 at the Royal Academy of Arts in London, in conjunction with three different works that he had planned to paint. The artist used oil on canvas as his final medium and the painting measures twenty three by fifty inches. It is signed within the lower right corner B. West 1796 and is now displayed at the Detroit Institute of Arts. Historians don t seem to be certain whether or not the creator was in need of cash and†¦show more content†¦The style that West used is described best through his choice of colors that are very warm, and thus, in all probability influenced other painters who were part of the Romantic era of the Nineteenth Century. What is distinctive regarding this specific painting is that it merges art with recreation. The theme is deep as a result of the many things that are happening within the background and the foreground. As an example, there are bodies with garments ripped of from the battle and a fallen hor se at the front center of the painting; however, the background also contains many winged demons and murderers who ride in from some distant place. As for the forms within the painting, they are realistic, and never flat. The horses are spherical and appear to be very strong; the lion s claws are immense and tear blood from the flesh of the person the lion attacks. The forms are well accomplished and reinforce the drama of the scene, which the artist meant to depict. All of the shapes are meant to be full to provide weight and seriousness to the piece. None of the forms are lightweight or ethereal, even the clouds are giant and full. Most of the figures have significant shadowing and strips of highlight to deepen the distinction between the dark and lightweight colors. With reference to the lines within the painting, every figure within the painting, including all of the ghosts that float in from heaven, are well carved. The lines are harshShow MoreRelatedEarly American Artist Benjamin West1763 Words   |  8 Pages â€Å"And I looked and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger and with death, and with beast of the earth.† [Rev. 6:8] Early American artist Benjamin West, details his conception of the scripture in his smaller study Death on the Pale Horse, in which the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse —Death, War, Famine and Pestilence waste the earth. Considered inRead MoreEthan Frome by Edith Wharton Setting Analysis Essay865 Words   |  4 PagesSetting Analysis of Ethan Frome By: Mary Thompson Ethan Frome Analysis In Edith Wharton’s novel Ethan Frome, setting is an important element. The setting greatly influences the characters, transportation, and activities. The setting takes place in a small town called â€Å"Starkfield†. Starkfield is a town that is just like its name, it is boring, barren, severe, and harsh. Starkfield is known for its many harsh winters that leave the inhabitants bitter and in harsh condition. StarkfieldRead MoreA Poem from the Romantic Period, La Belle Dame sans Merci by John Keats711 Words   |  3 Pageshis horse together. They then spend time together frolicking lovingly in the meadow. This is the part of the story where the reader has a sense of mystery and suspense of whom exactly this woman is and where did she come from? 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The characters of Aylmer, Georgian, Amenidab and Nature itself, through their words, actions, and behaviors give insight into a much more meaningful story. A deeper analysis of the characters reveals that they are archetypes, and as archetypes they provide a deeper hidden meaning to the story. By looking at Aylmer, Georgiana, Amenidab and Natures relationships and actions throughout the story we can see how they areRead MoreJean Jacques Rousseau s Influence On Western Europe1720 Words   |  7 Pagespopular culture as a darkly seductive figure with the beginning of the Romantic era at the turn of the 18th century. It is at this point that the vampire makes a critical shift from a revenant monstrosity in Western perspective to a symbol of both death and life. The Romantic era worked as a counter movement to the Enlightenment. While the Enlightenment cherished logic and scientific study, the Romantic era emphasized the imagination and the dark, uncontrollable workings of the human mind . After witnessingRead MoreThe Horn Of Plenty by Alexander McQueen594 Words   |  2 Pagesanalyse in depth, also compare and contrast their work. I shall discuss the effect of use of colours and how their artwork convey mood and meaning. I will also discuss how I am influenced by their work and produce my very own savage beauty art work. Analysis Alexander McQueens FALL 2009 READY-TO-WEAR collection â€Å"The Horn Of Plenty† On the collection is subtitled â€Å"Everything but the kitchen sink; the concept here is play between a profound respect for and the subversion of hauteRead MoreCrime And Punishment By Fyodor Dostoevsky1708 Words   |  7 Pagessituations, holding many different purposes. First and foremost, they serve as an important narrative device: they provide geographical context, split up scenes, and provide scenes with emphasis by setting them apart from the city. However, after further analysis, bridge-scenes also seem to be intimately connected with Raskolnikov’s ever-changing psyche. They roughly mirror the behavior of Raskolnikov’s mind—the struggle of whether his beliefs stay the same or change—as a result of their association to introspectionRead MoreLiterary Portrayal Of The Slavic Vampire2383 Words   |  10 Pagesâ€Å"devised an outline of analysis to be applied to individual accounts of Slavic vampires† (Stern). This allow s for students to deconstruct the Slavic vampire to see how it may differ or strongly relate to the stereotypical vampire that the contemporary audience knows today. Today’s stereotypical vampire is commonly thought to die from a wooden stake piercing the heart or from the burning heat of the sun (Guà µmundsdà ³ttir). Physical characteristics are oftentimes extremely pale with a long nose, paired

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Accountability Challenges In Organizations -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Accountability Challenges In Organizations? Answer: Introduction The management accountants in Global Organizations no longer relies on the traditional methods of only focusing on aspects of accounting. The introduction of concept such as hybrid accountants within the organizations is becoming more evident in nature, which are seen to be responsible for addressing the different types of the needs associated to accounting. Some of the important form of the challenges are considered to be evident in form of the continuous changes in the business scenario. Companies are showing the need for a more proactive management accountant who are readily accepting challenges and become a part of the management. The important consideration discussed in the report is further seen to be identified with the organizational and environmental factors, which is regarded as a major form of the contributor to the significant challenges. Project Objective The report aims to propose a research plan for identification of the relevant issues pertaining to the environmental and the organizational factors for portraying the challenges of accounting in global organizations. The learnings of the research will consider various factors which affects the accounting practices. The study will further aim at understanding the theoretical and methodological gaps in accounting practices which are conducive in explaining the rationale for failure to anticipate the changes in the business and respond to the same. Project Scope The main factors identified to pertain to the changes in the accounting practices will be considered with the technological changes, adaptions to the changes in business environment, financial crisis, role of the management accountants and organizational factors. Some of the other factors are considered with the adherence to the changes in the financial standards. The scope of the project will be able to discuss the possible challenges faced by the accountants during any publication of rulings or accounting frameworks. The research will identify both the qualitative and quantitative findings to support the research paper. Role of Management accounts The present role of the management accountants is considered in terms of formulating the financial strategies, explaining the financial consequences of the financial decision making and monitor the expenses to maintain the profit margins. The management accountants are seen to control the operational aspects of the company. The factors are understood to be causing most of the challenges in terms of accounting practices. The formulation of the financial strategies takes a considerable amount of time to formulate the financial strategies with the use of the sales forecasts, budgets, job costing techniques and the use of the several types of the managerial accounting tools. In addition to this, the changing role of the management accountant is inferred with maintaining profitability, which in many situations involves performing complex business functions such as weighing of sales against the fixed and variable costs (Bebbington, Unerman and O'Dwyer 2014). Financial crisis and Challenges of Accounting in Global Organizations Financial reporting and the current practices of accounting affects the financial crisis in number of ways. The most eminent financial requirement of reporting is considered with governing of the asset valuation and the number of considerations associated to off-balance sheet entities. The fair value accounting concepts require the companies for writing down the financial assets in order to reflect the plunging values of the market during the financial crisis. There has been several critics which states that the fair value accounting has contributed to excessive credit expansion and pro-cyclical risk factors. Ever increasing global expectations has let the accountants to fill relatively complex roles and challenges which the organizations are facing at present. Some of the more casual factors for the failure in the accounting system and the challenges concerning the same is seen to be discerned in terms of the failure in the corporate governance and several types of the risks associa ted to the same (Geppert, Matten and Williams 2016). Changes in Accounting Standards and role of politics The changes pertaining to the accounting standards is viewed as another aspect of the challenge which is faced by the accountants globally. Some of the important considerations pertaining to the implementation of the new standard is evident in terms of areas such as revenue and leases. The introduction of a new accounting standard may involve identifying contract, determination of the transaction price, identification of the separate obligations pertaining to the contract along with recognizing the revenue and the entities which satisfies with the performance obligations (Ebrahim, Battilana and Mair 2014). The changes in the accounting standard is also seen to impact on the leases which will result in changes in balance sheet. There are number of principles which guides on how these amounts will be recorded. The leases in the balance sheet is considered with an important effect on the leverage ratios. The changes pertaining to the accounting system will also lead to significant amount of the changes in the aforementioned areas (Weng, Jowitt, Mudd and Haque 2015). Changes in business and organizational environment In serval instances it is discerned that the managers fail to anticipate and respond to the changes in the business environment. In cases where managers do not notice the changes in the business environment often lead to such unexpected results. There are studies which shows that managers may be aware of the significant nature of the changes in the organizational environment however they may not be capable to interpret these appropriately. The relationship between the competitive environment and the challenges pertaining to accounting is discerned in form of the industry environments, corporate strategy, organizational structure, business strategies and capabilities. The crucial aspect of the changes in the managerial behavior is depicted with the rapidly changing environment which is considered as a cognitive process in noticing and constructing the meaning of the environmental changes. Empirical evidence has been able to suggest that the managers fail to depict the changes pertaini ng to the organizational environment (Gereffi and Fernandez-Stark 2016). Fair value accounting and its impact on Global Organizations The financial instruments inclusive of derivatives is issued in accordance with the changes in fair value which directly affects the net income and considers the changes pertaining to short span of time. In addition to this, the consideration of fair value accounting is becoming significantly important for fair value accounting which is one of the main reason for becoming crisis in the global organizations. There has been significant amount of research which has implied that the fair value accounting has set specific standards for accounting and used the same in all the related areas. Several evidences of unfair accounting practices have been considered as the main rationale for the challenges to the accountants globally. These are caused in instances where the business seeks assistance on key audit matters from unqualified auditors (Lele 2017). The research hypothesis set for the study are listed below as follows: Null Hypothesis (H0): The main challenge of accounting in global organizations is not seen in terms of changing Role of Management accounts Alternative Hypothesis (H1): The main challenge of accounting in global organizations is seen in terms of changing Role of Management accounts Null Hypothesis (H02): The main challenge of accounting in global organizations is not seen in terms of Financial crisis Alternative Hypothesis (H2): The main challenge of accounting in global organizations is seen in terms of Financial crisis Null Hypothesis (H03): The main challenge of accounting in global organizations is not seen in terms of Changes in Accounting Standards and role of politics Alternative Hypothesis (H3): The main challenge of accounting in global organizations is seen in terms of Changes in Accounting Standards and role of politics Null Hypothesis (H04): The main challenge of accounting in global organizations is not realized in terms of Fair value accounting Alternative Hypothesis (H4): The main challenge of accounting in global organizations is realized in terms of Fair value accounting Qualitative research The qualitative research technique will be implemented as per Narrative research technique. This will include sequence of events taken from one or two individuals. The research will further include in-depth interviews and involve reading of relevant documents. Quantitative research The quantitative research technique will comprise of the collection of the data from the primary and secondary sources and performing regression analysis to test the hypothesis validity. The primary source of the data will include responses will be taken from survey respondents. The important factors taken from the secondary data sources has included relevant books, journals and authorized publications. The analysis tool for quantitative research will be taken into account use of nominal, ordinal, cardinal, ratio and interval scales. Research Limitations The research will be considered as per the limiting factors based on role of Management accounts, Financial crisis and Challenges of Accounting in Global Organizations, Changes in Accounting Standards and role of politics, Changes in business and organizational environment and Fair value accounting and its impact on Global Organizations. Some of the important depictions made from the research has further limited the research aspects with qualitative research such as narrative research technique and regression analysis. Time Schedule Sequential Activities/ Period Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 4 Week 5 6 Research planning and Ideation process Proceeding with Designing of the research Data collection and data sampling Analysis of the data collected Publication process Conclusion The important discussions as per the research will be able to identify the important factors affecting accounting in Global Organizations. The primary factors affecting the companies will be identified with changing role of the management accounts, Financial crisis, Changes in Accounting Standards and role of politics, Changes in business and organizational environment and Fair value accounting. It needs to be further discussed that the that the hypothesis of the research will be discussed as per the aforementioned factors. The application of the research methodology will be implemented based on qualitative research technique such as narrative research and quantitative research with regression analysis. The time schedule has included the activities such as Research planning and Ideation process, Proceeding with Designing of the research, Data collection and data sampling, Analysis of the collected data and Publication process. In addition to this, the research will consider the signi ficant amount of research which has implied that the fair value accounting has set specific standards for accounting and used the same in all the related areas. Several evidences of unfair accounting practices have been the main rationale for the challenges to the accountants globally. References Bebbington, J., Unerman, J. and O'Dwyer, B. eds., 2014.Sustainability accounting and accountability. Routledge. Ebrahim, A., Battilana, J. and Mair, J., 2014. The governance of social enterprises: Mission drift and accountability challenges in hybrid organizations. Research in Organizational Behavior, 34, pp.81-100. Geppert, M., Matten, D. and Williams, K. eds., 2016.Challenges for European management in a global context: Experiences from Britain and Germany. Springer. Gereffi, G. and Fernandez-Stark, K., 2016. Global value chain analysis: a primer. Lele, U.J. ed., 2017.Managing a Global Resource: Challenges of forest conservation and development. Routledge. Weng, Z., Jowitt, S.M., Mudd, G.M. and Haque, N., 2015. A detailed assessment of global rare earth element resources: opportunities and challenges.Economic Geology,110(8), pp.1925-1952.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Martin Luther Lived From 1483-1546. Luther Was Born On November 10, 14

Martin Luther lived from 1483-1546. Luther was born on November 10, 1483 in Eisleben in the province of Saxony. His protestant view of Christianity started what was called the Protestant Reformation in Germany. Luther's intentions were to reform the medieval Roman Catholic Church. But firm resistance from the church towards Luther's challenge made way to a permanent division in the structure of Western Christianity. Luther lived in Mansfield and was the son of a miner. He later went on to study at Eisenbach and Magdeburg. After studying at these institutions he moved on to study at the University of Erfurt. Luther started out studying law, but then went on to enter the religious life. He went into the religious life due to the fact that he felt that he would never earn his eternal salvation. He didn't feel that all of the prayer, studying and sacraments were enough. Therefore, Luther felt that he would never be able to satisfy such a judging God. Not being able to satisfy this God meant eternal damnation. After entering the religious life he later became an Augustinian monk and entered the Augustinian monastery at Erfurt in July of 1505. While in this monastery Luther became a well known theologian and Biblical scholar. In 1512 Luther earned his doctorate in theology and became a professor of Biblical literature at Wittenberg University. Luther took his religious vocation very serious. This led him into a severe crisis in dealing with his religion. He wondered, "is it possible to reconcile the demands of God's law with human inability to live up to the law." Luther then turned to the New Testament book of Romans for answers. He had found, "God had, in the obedience of Jesus Christ, reconciled humanity to himself." "What was required of mankind, therefore, was not strict adherence to law or the fulfillment of religious obligations, but a response of faith that accepted what God had done." In other words he realized that religion is based on love and not fear. Basically, he realized that everyone is burdened by sin because it happens as a result of our weaknesses. He concluded that man could never earn his salvation by leading a blameless life or by performing holy acts. Instead, man's salvation was a divine gift from God resulting from faith in Jesus, especially the saving power of his death and resurrection. This was known as the protestant doctrine of "justification by faith alone." The fact that Luther believed this, lead him into his first confrontation with the Catholic Church in 1517. All of this influenced Luther to write his Ninety-Five Theses in 1517. The leader of the Catholic Church, Pope Leo X, was trying to raise money in order to build St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. To raise money the Pope offered the sale of indulgences. Basically, these were donations of money that would give partial forgiveness for people's sins. So, on October 31, 1517, Luther posted these Ninety-Five Theses or propositions on the door of the Wittenberg Catholic Church. These Ninety-Five Theses denied the right of the Pope to sell indulgences for the forgiveness of sins, among other challenges. His authorship of the Ninety-Five Theses would make Luther the leader of the religious movement or reformation towards Protestantism. Pope Leo X forced Luther to appear before Cardinal Cajetan in Augsburg. Here the Cardinal demanded Luther to take back everything that he said in his Ninety-Five Theses. Luther said that he would if his Theses could be proved wrong by use of the Bible. Later in 1521, Pope Leo X issued a "Bull of Excommunication" towards Luther. Emperor Charles V was expected to enforce the Excommunication. Charles V formed a "diet" in the town of Worms and asked Luther to attend this meeting so that he could be examined. Once again Luther was asked to take back everything that he had said in his Ninety-Five Theses. Luther refused again and was outlawed. Anyone could kill Luther and they would not have been held accountable to the law for punishment. Luther decided that it would be best to relocate under these circumstances. He had a friend that was an elector of Saxony that helped him escape. So, Luther disguised himself and

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Similarities between the Crucible and McCarthyism essays

Similarities between the Crucible and McCarthyism essays The Crucible is a play that explains the story of the Salem Witch Delusion. Arthur Miller, the acclaimed playwright, is the author of this performance. McCarthyism played a vast role in the creation of The Crucible. Many parallels were drawn between the play and the Red Scare. The Red Scare was a period of general fear of the communists dating back to the Cold War. Abigail Williams and Joseph McCarthy are similar in that they are all trying to draw a crowd of people astray. Both individuals accused innocent people of wrongdoings for their own selfish intentions; Abigail to gain the love of John Proctor and Joseph to be re-elected for senator. In both cases, if they were not the accusers, then they would have been the accused themselves. Senator Joseph McCarthy got a lot of his support from the F.B.I. as well as his dear friend J. Edgar Hoover. They trailed the entertainment industry with great vigor to put on trial. Arthur Miller was one of these people being accused of illegal un-American activity. He admitted he was present at a small number of informal Communist Party meetings but did not say anyone elses names who attended them when asked. McCarthy had many predicaments that he had covered up so the public would not have seen the real him. He was married only so that society would not know that he was truly a homosexual, and he was also an appalling alcoholic. McCarthys fellow bureaucrats would not dare accuse him of anything for if they did, they would end up being accused because of his great social power. This draws yet another parallel to The Crucible that when Mary Warren accuses Abigail of fraud, she finds herself being accused of witchcraft. Arthur Miller was once asked a question about assessing the two occurrences together and he responded, The political question... of whether witches and communists could be equated was no longer to the point. What was mani...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Be Sure to Dot Your is!

Be Sure to Dot Your is! Be Sure to Dot Your is! Be Sure to Dot Your is! By Maeve Maddox A reader asks: What is the correct way to write, there are three twos in the English language. The short answer is: There are three twos in the English language. A more thorough answer requires a look at 1. the rule for forming the plural of letters, acronyms, symbols, and words regarded as words, and 2. the intended meaning of this particular sentence. 1. How to form the plural of letters, numerals, symbols, and words used as words The Walsh Plain English handbook (widely used in American schools from 1939 into the 1970s) gave this rule: Form the plurals of letters, symbols, figures, and words regarded as words by adding s, or sometimes just s: Ex. Dot your is, cross your ts, and make your 3s (or 3s) plainer. You have too many ands (or ands) in this sentence. In 2009, the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL), an excellent and authoritative guide to written English, gives this rule: The plurals of single capital letters, acronyms, and Arabic numerals (1,2,3,) take an -s WITHOUT an apostrophe: Z (the capital letter Z)Zs UPC (Universal Product Code)UPCs ATM (Automatic Teller Machine)ATMs GUI (Graphical User Interface)GUIs 3 (the Arabic numeral 3)3s The OWL handout Forming plurals of lowercase letters carries this notation: Apostrophes are used to form plurals of letters that appear in lowercase; here the rule appears to be more typographical than grammatical, e.g. three ps versus three ps. To form the plural of a lowercase letter, place s after the letter. There is no need for apostrophes indicating a plural on capitalized letters, numbers, and symbols (though keep in mind that some editors, teachers, and professors still prefer them). My take on the use of the apostrophe to form any kind of plural is avoid doing it if you can make your meaning clear in any other way. Using s to form the plural of symbols feeds the uncertainities of young writers who imagine that the apostrophe is the sign of the plural and write such things as The dogs ran in the park. Or The dogs ran in the park. Ive had students so mesmerized by the apostrophe that they wrote his as his and goes as goes. Because of such experiences I balk at forming any kind of plural with s. In most cases no confusion results from adding a plain s to a numeral: His 3s look like 8s. Or to an acronym: All the ATMs had been vandalized. Adding s to a letter is tricky, as in the title of this post. The intended plural is looks like the verb is. Capitalizing the letter can help, but not in every case. Ex. Take more care in forming your As, Ts, and Is. My solution is to resort to quotation marks: Take more care in forming your as, ts, and is. Im not entirely happy with my solution, but I prefer it to using the apostrophe to form a plural. 2. The sentence There are three twos in the English language. Spoken, the sentence is a great way for a teacher to introduce the three English words that are pronounced [tu:]: to, two, and too. Attempting to put the sentence into written form, however, presents problems. For one thing, it spoils the pun. For another, theres only one two in English. Link to Owl Writing Lab Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:What is the Difference Between "These" and "Those"?35 Genres and Other Varieties of FictionWords That Begin with Q

Thursday, November 21, 2019

CASE 4 Electronic and Mobile Commerce Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

CASE 4 Electronic and Mobile Commerce - Essay Example The free access to information across multiple global markets is severely disrupting the market dynamics as consumers are getting more aware and demanding in nature. Today’s global consumers are focusing highly on buying the right products, which provides them with a greater value as well as consumer satisfaction. This tendency of consumers is creating cross geographical demands for products and services. In order to capitalize on the business opportunity, associated with cross cultural demand for products and services, businesses need to make their presence in the online arena, which is managed by electronic and mobile commerce. This assignment intends to focus on the steps that businesses needs to follow to create online presence and the related skills that are needed to manage it. It will also take into account the opportunities and challenges associated with electronic and mobile commerce. The first step is the analysis of potential e-business initiatives. In order to do so, the online businesses need to focus on either value creation for stakeholders or improving cost efficiencies. In order to create value for the stakeholders through e-business, a firm should concentrate on customers as well as the related components of a value chain which comprises of suppliers, distributors and partners. For improving cost efficiency through e-business initiatives, the firm should concentrate on the internal business process and functions as it will benefit them in the long run. The next step is to analyze the functional scope of e-business initiatives. It is important to mention that the proper categorization of the e-business initiatives on the basis of functional scope enhances the ability of the firm to qualitatively identify the estimated business value along with cost savings. The third step is to analyze the scalability of benefits associated with the e-business initiatives. For the purpose of this

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Message of Art Matters Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The Message of Art Matters - Essay Example The beauty of art is found everywhere. It is up to an individual how he perceives and appreciates it. While it is true that aesthetic beauty lies in the eyes of a beholder, visual representation brings the collaboration of art formed in many approaches: music,painting, stories, imagination and even science. The subject of an artwork is primarily and obviously taken notice. The artist has the liberty to choose the subject matter for his artwork. However, it is the content that will always reflect the artist (Nielsen). There are thousands of artists that paint the same subject. It is the artist’s own style that makes their works diverse and non-ephemeral. Every man is an artist. Every individual has a way to voice out what is going on inside of him and loose it out in ways that would make an impact to whoever perceives. Art as an expression reflects what is happening in a certain society and culture. If art is a work output, then it must come from inside of the artist. The freedom of every individual lets him explore the vastness of his creativity exploding into varied concepts of supreme work of art and achievements.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Microsoft office SharePoint Essay Example for Free

Microsoft office SharePoint Essay Microsoft office SharePoint server which is shortened as MOSS is an integrated Microsoft server that provides the following services; business intelligence share board, web content management, enterprise search, enterprise content services and shared business processes. Microsoft office SharePoint was introduced after SharePoint portal server SPS. Microsoft office SharePoint is a program that has elevated Microsoft office from merely being used on the desk top to being used online (Hillier, 2005). Compared to Microsoft office that can only be used on the desktop, Microsoft office SharePoint makes it possible for a server to share the information online. SharePoint is basically a website that can be displayed on the internet with an interface which displays libraries and lists in a protected database. The key word in Microsoft office SharePoint which is ‘share’ literally means connecting with people and sharing with them information, documents and files. SharePoint contains a number of tools that can be utilized for any small personal work or a wide range of business services. SharePoint services can be customized very easily using web based management interface or alternatively by using the Microsoft SharePoint designer software. There are also 40 pre-built application templates that assist in organizing the various components of the web. They are designed in a way that enables them to accomplish various specific tasks assigned to them. Some of these applications are blog, bug database, project tracking and wiki. Microsoft office offers a wide range of products that form part and parcel of its current technologies. These technologies include; Windows SharePoint Services 3. 0 (WSS), Search Server 2008 Express, Search Server 2008, Forms Server 2007, Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 MOSS Standard, Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 MOSS Enterprise, Microsoft Office Groove Server 2007, Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 and Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer. All this products have been designed to fit in the modern business communication. They enhance the process and method of data sharing and ensure that business enterprises are informed of the current happenings in the business society. The features are easy to use and flexible when it comes to change and expansion. Importance of Microsoft Office SharePoint Microsoft office SharePoint has various benefits that make it preferred for use. The application improves people’s productivity by enabling them to receive information needed via the internet (Adams, 2007). It enhances their capability to create and organize the information and documents which makes their jobs easily manageable. Using the Microsoft office SharePoint, the server will find it easy to manage and track documents that he or she is using. This is due to the enhanced document management features that enable the server to countercheck and even change them. The modified features also enable the user to restore past information and determine the kind of users that access certain files. Microsoft office SharePoint has also enhanced the use of Microsoft office. The menus that were previously available on Microsoft office have been modified making it easy to navigate it. Microsoft office suit which is among the tools in SharePoint increases the speed of the user to use the applications without having to apply new skills. SharePoint has a variety of applications that enable the user to choose the one that is most suitable for him/her. The work spaces available enable the server to design an application that will provide solution to the problem at hand. A collaboration environment has been made easy to build and design as it takes minimum time. The share based SharePoint solution cuts down on the time and effort needed to find such solutions. Microsoft office SharePoint reduces complexities as it enhances the information stored and reduces on the general management costs. The information stored within the site is so easy to manage that it does not require the user to have extra skills. Microsoft office SharePoint enables the user to secure his or her information in a design that seems most appropriate for them (Lachev, 2005). This is due to the applications that enable the user to identify security measures in accordance to the document or file. He/she is also able to create security according to the user groups and teams who can also control the kind of information that they receive according to the defined parameters. File sharing using Microsoft SharePoint is highly improvised. It has facilities such as version history, document check in and check-out and storage which allow the user to browse the state of past files and documents stored and reinstate them to the position he/she desires. It has also a recycle bin that enables the user to retrieve the files that were earlier on deleted. Microsoft SharePoint is designed for both large scale and small scale use. The site can be increased as desired by the user at any time. This allows him to easily expand his operations whenever he feels the necessity to do so. The applications in Microsoft SharePoint are flexible and also multifunctional. The information stored in SharePoint can be customized in any form to suit a specific function and purpose. It can also be used for a wide variety of functions due to its flexible nature. Therefore, it is suitable for any type of business organization that may wish to use a number of applications. There are six main features on which Microsoft office SharePoint server is built on. They include; collaboration, portal, enterprise search, web and enterprise content management, forms driven business process and business intelligence. Pillars of Microsoft Office SharePoint Server Collaboration Microsoft office SharePoint integrates work spaces, surveys, wikis, forums, blogs and tasks which boost the working of the Microsoft 2003 windows. The new features enhance partnership and the sharing of knowledge between different parties. Some of the applications that can be used to enhance partnership include; blog tronix, eTouch, social text, automatic, suited two and base camp (Foster, 2008). The features can be customized and used for different share groups as desired by the server. Through such facilities an organization can easily identify business partners around the world that may be engaging in similar activities. They are also able to identify customers and clients that are interested in their products. Portal Portal is a site that can access everything that is related to enterprise. In the new version of the 2007 windows, the name portal server is no longer used. Even though some of the features used have not been changed much, there are some modifications to the portal that include master pages, improved search facilities, improvements on the visual studio and a pluggable single sign-on architecture that improves flexibility. The website is based on the profile of the user (Luckett, 2008). Portal enables a personal user to create a site where they can customize them according to their needs. Portal allows the user to make changes to their profile and receive information and updates in a desired format. Enterprise Search Search on SPS 2003 was a bit hectic and made the process of searching different content stores difficult. Microsoft office SharePoint has provided a solution to this problem due to the new features that enhance searching. MOSS 2007 has an ACL-aware that has the ability to search for people and even expertise using both remote and local data stores. Business managers and other developers can effectively index their data and search in accordance to the line of business that they are dealing with. The best bets search features have added a new wave of intelligence to search procedures that make it exciting and reliable. Enterprise search enables a user to access specific information either from stored files or on the site. The facility is designed to suit the search criteria of the user and avoid the inconveniences of spending a lot of time in retrieving data. Web and Enterprise Content Management Microsoft office SharePoint server provides a wide variety of services that enhance the management of documents. Some of these services include; content type base policies, rich descriptive metadata, check in and out document locking, role based access controls at the library of the document and auditing. The contents received via the web can also be effectively managed and recorded. The features can be developed for use both for single or multiple uses depending on the nature of the work being dealt with. It is now easy for different business partners to exchange and transfer content materials as they desire. Locking facilities enable the user to withhold certain information from reaching certain groups and generally makes him to take complete charge of what is in the site. Forms Driven Business Process Microsoft office SharePoint has an XML driven info path that can be used on various systems including portable wireless devices. This improves on the rate and extent of communication between business partners, customers and clients in a business. The different stakeholders of the company or organization can access the information they want without having to go through a long process (Ferguson, 2002). It also makes it possible for the business management to determine specific information that can be accessed by the wide variety of stakeholders. The InfoPath is still being developed to have the ability of handling many more features. This feature has enhanced flexibility in business operations and ensures that a business man is kept informed no matter their current location. They are also able to comfortably carry out their business transactions despite their locations. Business Intelligence Microsoft office SharePoint server has improved business intelligence through the web based dash boards excel services and excel web base services, data respiratory integration and line of business integration. SharePoint server is used to take business to a higher level due to the improved work group facilities that it provides. Microsoft office SharePoint was developed in 2003 and a new version launched in 2007. Features are continuously being improved as businesses continue to enjoy the services that improve their operations. Companies and organizations are discovering new business opportunities that will expand their operations. With continuous developments that SharePoint is promising, online business partnerships will be greatly enhanced and a secure storage facility ensured. The Capability of Microsoft SharePoint Microsoft SharePoint has indeed been of great relive for business enterprises especially as it enhances the sharing capabilities of data. The share based portals enables businesses to make them be a one stop enterprise destination. The interfaces are dynamic and a lot of time is saved through; enterprise 2. 0 function ability has calendars and other interactive properties which enhance communication. It also has an integrated presence that makes it possible for a user to effectively communicate with another user that has been tagged and authorized (English, 2004). It has an improved interface and usability that enhances interactions, makes it smoother and ensure updates are received on time. Navigating data on site has been made simpler and made the discovery of contents easier. Administrators on site can easily role up certain information from sub sites and transfer it to other portal. It makes it easy to retrieve information on the website and Users who are within the SharePoint environment can now share information from an external RSS feeds. This reduces the possibility of the information being redundant and enhance corporation among different team members. Microsoft office SharePoint has leverage and security architecture that ensures sensitive business information is kept out of unauthorized view groups. SharePoint contains configurable features that make it possible for the user to give a site a definite description, differentiate web parts and XML endpoints. The 2007 version of Microsoft office SharePoint is compatible in NGES 2. 0. This facility makes it easier for an enterprise to effectively communicate with the customers. Most companies that have adapted the use of RSS to manage vital business information have discovered how versatile the technology is. RSS in combination with Microsoft office SharePoint server are proving to be very economical and reliable confirming the deliverance capability of enterprise 2. 0. The 2008 version of the Microsoft office search server that is referred to us 2008 express has been greatly enhanced to ensure that the number of files indexed are not limited. However, there is a limitation on stand-alone installations in that it cannot be scaled out to a cluster. Microsoft office SharePoint designer makes it possible for a developer to change data from external sources like Microsoft SQL server without necessarily having to code it against the NET framework (Webb, 2007). Despite the various compliments of Microsoft office SharePoint, it is criticized on the grounds that its tools are not well integrated for developers. Its customized software architecture is also viewed as complex and differs at a higher degree with the other ASP. NET-based web applications. Therefore, there is a need for Microsoft to improve other versions to make them reliable for use by developers. Microsoft office SharePoint 2007 has been designed to effectively work with other technologies, servers and programs. For instance, it is possible to create PowerPoint slides using Microsoft office SharePoint that can be stored in a library. The stored slides can be viewed by other users who can select their desired slide and receive notifications on the same. Updates can also be automatically set so that the new released versions on the SharePoint are received by the user. The different products of Microsoft office SharePoint have been designed to meet the current business needs. It has made the sharing of information between different groups across the borders easier. This sharing of information has made different business enterprises to be updated of the current happenings in the market and thus making informed decisions. The 2007 version of Microsoft office SharePoint enables users to create their own SharePoint sites that they can personally manage and use as they desire. They are also able to share such information with other people throughout the organization. An organization has different departments in which the administrator may desire to communicate different information, Microsoft office SharePoint server 2007 understands such diversity and makes it possible for the administrator to comfortably send specific information to various departments. SharePoint server ensures that only the right people are able to access certain information. Microsoft windows SharePoint services are technologies that have been modified in Microsoft windows SharePoint server. The services are specifically designed to ensure effective networking among business stakeholders. It ensures productivity on the work done by enabling the users to make informed decisions. Microsoft office SharePoint server depends on the services of Microsoft office SharePoint services 3. 0 technology that provide a wide variety of services such as site administration, libraries and site customization. All the features that are available on windows SharePoint services 3. 0 have also been integrated in office SharePoint server. Even though some features are similar Microsoft office SharePoint server 2007 has additional features that relate to different scenarios in publishing and enterprise. Conclusion Microsoft office SharePoint is basically a site that connects business organization with their employees, customers and partners. It was mainly designed due to the varying needs in the business field. The different products of SharePoint enable the server to customize information in a particular way as he/she desires and send it to prospective recipients. Maximum security is guaranteed for the user who may either desire to share certain information with specific people (Langfeld, 2004). It enhances the work of the managers who are able to effectively coordinate the work within their organization. They are able to create a site where different categories of employees are able to access information and receive the necessary updates. It also enables employees to create sites that will keep them updated on their work performance and progress. An employee is able to assign the work and effectively manage his time due to the calendar features that are provided in Microsoft office SharePoint. Modern technology is making interactions and communications easier. Even though it comes with various challenges and shortcomings, Microsoft office SharePoint is still going through improvements (Hillier, 2007). Various research programs are still being done on the features and new features are being added to ensure that the facility serves people better. Improvements being done on SharePoint make it easier for the server to apply them without having to acquire extra skills. As the years move on, technology is inventing more products that can be utilized on SharePoint. These services are exciting to business organizations and companies that have come to realize how the work of managing files and documents can be much simplified. Hence, they are looking for more promising advances on SharePoint that will further enhance communication with their stakeholders. REFERENCES Adams S. (2007): Pro SharePoint solution development, California: Apress pp39-41 English B. (2004): Microsoft SharePoint products and technologies resource kit, Michigan: Microsoft Press pp987-989 Ferguson R. (2002): Special edition using Microsoft SharePoint Portal Serve, California: Que, Publishing pp601 Foster K. (2008): SharePoint Best Practices, Louisiana: Lulu. com pp134 Hillier S. (2007): Microsoft SharePoint, New York: Springer pp27-30 Hillier S. (2005): Microsoft SharePoint, California: Apress pp17-22 Lachev T. (2005): Applied Microsoft Analysis Services 2005, Greenville: Prologika Press pp9 Langfeld L. (2004): Microsoft SharePoint 2003 unleashed, Michigan: Sams pp44-47 Luckett R. (2008): Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, New York: McGraw-Hill Professional pp 453 Webb J. (2007): Essential SharePoint 2007, Massachusetts: OReilly pp7-11

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Awakening the Woman Inside Essay -- Literary Analysis

In the late 1800s, a crusade began that campaigned for the rights of women across America: the Feminist Movement. Using this movement as inspiration, Kate Chopin bewitches her primarily female readers with a writing style that emphasizes the importance of emotion and encourages the independence of women in a world dominated by men. In her novel, The Awakening, Chopin flawlessly illustrates the radical yet alluring character transformation of her protagonist, Edna Pontellier, as she struggles to surmount marital and societal conflict in the hopes of being reborn. To fully grasp The Awakening, it is important to understand both into the life of Kate Chopin and the time period in which it was published. Born in St. Louis, Missouri, Chopin was raised by her mother’s extended French family after her father’s death in a train accident. Her great grandmother expressed a special fascination with Kate’s advancement into womanhood and ensured that Kate understood â€Å"how women’s lives were split between responsibility and desire and the significance of women being independent† (Toth 13, 15). These lessons were not lost on Kate, and they materialize throughout her writing which focuses on the struggles of women in a world dominated by men. When The Awakening was being written, â€Å"the Feminist movement was just beginning, and many female authors were writing pieces about the improvement of women’s social conditions; however, unlike these women, Chopin did not limit her exploration of freedom to physical em ancipation, but also intellectual autonomy† (Guernsey 46). It was this exploration of women’s independence which created turbulence in the literary community when The Awakening was published in 1899. Unfortunately, Chopin was ahead of her time, ... ...Chopin’s character, Edna Pontellier, serves as a reminder that if a suburban housewife can seize and transform her destiny so too can the rest of womankind. Works Cited Chopin, Kate. The Awakening. The Heath Anthology of American Literature. Vol. C. N.p.: Wadsworth, 2010. 425-515. Print. Chopin, Kate. The Awakening. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1993. Print. Golding, William. Kate Chopin, Modern Critical Views. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1987. Print. Guernsey, JoAnn Bren. Voices of Feminism: Past, Present, and Future. Minneapolis, MN: Lerner Publications, 1996. Print. Jones, Suzanne W. â€Å"Place, Perception, and Identity in the Awakening.† Perspectives on Kate Chopin. Natchitoches, Louisiana: Northwestern State University Press, 1990. 59-74. Print. Toth, Emily. Unveiling Kate Chopin. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 1999. Print. Awakening the Woman Inside Essay -- Literary Analysis In the late 1800s, a crusade began that campaigned for the rights of women across America: the Feminist Movement. Using this movement as inspiration, Kate Chopin bewitches her primarily female readers with a writing style that emphasizes the importance of emotion and encourages the independence of women in a world dominated by men. In her novel, The Awakening, Chopin flawlessly illustrates the radical yet alluring character transformation of her protagonist, Edna Pontellier, as she struggles to surmount marital and societal conflict in the hopes of being reborn. To fully grasp The Awakening, it is important to understand both into the life of Kate Chopin and the time period in which it was published. Born in St. Louis, Missouri, Chopin was raised by her mother’s extended French family after her father’s death in a train accident. Her great grandmother expressed a special fascination with Kate’s advancement into womanhood and ensured that Kate understood â€Å"how women’s lives were split between responsibility and desire and the significance of women being independent† (Toth 13, 15). These lessons were not lost on Kate, and they materialize throughout her writing which focuses on the struggles of women in a world dominated by men. When The Awakening was being written, â€Å"the Feminist movement was just beginning, and many female authors were writing pieces about the improvement of women’s social conditions; however, unlike these women, Chopin did not limit her exploration of freedom to physical em ancipation, but also intellectual autonomy† (Guernsey 46). It was this exploration of women’s independence which created turbulence in the literary community when The Awakening was published in 1899. Unfortunately, Chopin was ahead of her time, ... ...Chopin’s character, Edna Pontellier, serves as a reminder that if a suburban housewife can seize and transform her destiny so too can the rest of womankind. Works Cited Chopin, Kate. The Awakening. The Heath Anthology of American Literature. Vol. C. N.p.: Wadsworth, 2010. 425-515. Print. Chopin, Kate. The Awakening. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1993. Print. Golding, William. Kate Chopin, Modern Critical Views. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1987. Print. Guernsey, JoAnn Bren. Voices of Feminism: Past, Present, and Future. Minneapolis, MN: Lerner Publications, 1996. Print. Jones, Suzanne W. â€Å"Place, Perception, and Identity in the Awakening.† Perspectives on Kate Chopin. Natchitoches, Louisiana: Northwestern State University Press, 1990. 59-74. Print. Toth, Emily. Unveiling Kate Chopin. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 1999. Print.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Generational Conflict in the Workplace Essay

Abstract Conflict in the workplace is not a new problem. Having many generations working towards the same goal will almost always cause some friction. It becomes the responsibility of administrators/managers in the workplace to not only understand the source of this conflict, but also diffuse it before it becomes counterproductive. Conflict can be a very powerful tool in the workplace if not allowed to get out of hand. Each generation in the workplace has much to learn from the others. They also have much to teach. Using â€Å"The Wheel of Conflict† to understand this conflict will allow for a more productive, and less hostile workplace. Factors Leading to Conflict With the recent downturn in the economy and the increased number of individuals entering the workplace after formal education; there has been an increasing number of conflicts within the workplace among individuals from different generations. My generation, generation Y or the millennial generation is generally involved with this conflict. I would like to include a little background on each of the two main generations involved. Generation X consists of approximately 55 million workers in North America. They were born between 1965 and 1980. It is generally accepted that Gen Xers are called the â€Å"latchkey children.† They are self-reliant and independent. They generally enjoy a casual and friendly work environment. They separate friends from family, and seek a balance between work life and family. Generation Y consists of approximately 80 million workers in North America. They were born between 1981 and 1999. These are the newest individuals to enter the workforce. They generally celebrate diversity; they’re optimistic, inventive and individualistic. They like to rewrite the rules, and generally enjoy a pleasurable lifestyle. Gen Yers do not see the relevance of most institutions. They are masters of technology, mainly because they have grown up in a world with the Internet and gadgets. Unlike the â€Å"latchkey children,† they were nurtured by their parents and see friends as family. They have high expectations and demands, and wish to work for socially responsible companies. Gen Yers are also more involved with politics. Emotions Through examining the differences in the Generation Y and Generation X individuals in the workplace; it can easily be determined that emotions play a very large role in the conflict on both sides. Generation Y seems to have a very high opinion of themselves. They do not like authoritarian leadership styles because they grew up able to question their parents. Unlike previous generations Gen Yers like to make their job accommodate their personal life, not the other way around. They place a high value on self-fulfillment and do not expect to stay in a particular job long because they view career change as â€Å"normal.† They are also accustomed to receiving constant feedback and recognition from parents and other figures of authority. They continue to expect this in the workplace. Generation X and before resent this type of self-important behavior and are generally dismissive of the Gen Yers. In a Lee Hecht Harrison Company survey 70% of older employees were dismissive of younger workers’ abilities, and 50% of younger workers were dismissive of older workers’ abilities. This shows that both groups are equally dismissive of the other. Generation Y employees come from the period of â€Å"instant gratification.† As a member of this generation I must say that I cannot recall a time that I wasn’t able to get an answer that I want for a question on any topic. The Internet is a huge resource and has always been at my fingertips. This has played a large role in creating the attitudes of Generation Y workers. They haven’t had to learn patience. Most Generation Y workers come out of college, with a high self-worth, and expect to make a six-figure salary. That is just not reasonable. Considering that the Gen Yers have been â€Å"pampered† by their families, they react like an insolent child when they do not get what they feel they are â€Å"owed.† This emotional reaction does not help their case within the workplace. Communication Another common factor that leads to this conflict has to be communication. As stated before, the younger generation has grown up in a world of technology. They are perfectly confortable communicating through email, sums, or social networking sites. These modes of communication are well within their comfort zones. This comfort with impersonal communications has one major drawback. Many Gen Yers do not possess the ability to speak face to face, and express their ideas. Inability to communicate will cause great problems in the workplace. Gen Yers may misinterpret constructive criticism from older colleagues, and older colleagues may feel that younger individuals are disrespectful within the workplace. The fact is that neither group is right, and neither is wrong. Most Gen Yers are not intentionally disrespectful; they simply need to learn how to properly communicate in the workplace. The comfort level they possessed at home is not appropriate at the office. At the same time the older generations need not write off the younger generations because of some communication miscues. Values/Relationships Values and relationships also play a large role in this conflict. First off Gen Yers consist of nearly 50% of non-native North Americans. Most Gen Yers have liberal attitudes towards gay marriage and interracial dating. They are critical of the ethics and morality of business. They maintain close ties with their families, and are much more active in politics then their counterparts. Either way you look at it they are socially different than their elders. Generation X consisted of the 1960’s and 1970’s. There were racial struggles in the not so distant past. Old stereotypes die hard, and there may be some subconscious issues between the older guard and the newcomers. These issues may not be as blatant as outright racism, but may be subtler. Gen Yers wouldn’t think twice about seeing a burka in the workplace, whereas Gen X and before may do a double take. Relationships with family also play a large role in this conflict. Firstly Gen Yers are not afraid to live with their parents until they find the right job. This can often be viewed unfavorably by older generations who see this unwillingness to head off on their own as a weakness. Needs In order to properly address the conflict within the workplace, one must understand the various needs of all parties involved. There are three basic types of issues to consider. The first of these are Substantive Issues. This includes things like money or salary, resources needed for a job, or time. Second is Procedural Issues. These include means that we use to address the conflict. This could be communications or other means that are used to address conflict. Finally Psychological Needs comes into play. These are things that all people generally hold sacred. This includes things like trust, fairness, or respect. These general needs or issues are the same for all people. They only differ in the perception of them. Managers must understand that 99% of individuals go to work for a paycheck. In a job their substantive needs must be met. For Gen Xers this is pretty easy to handle. With Gen Yers it appears to be a little more complicated. As mentioned earlier, Gen Yers have a very high self-worth. They often feel that they deserve a higher salary that they receive. This will cause morale to drop among them, and open up the opportunity for conflict. Similarly, procedural issues present a problem with Gen Yers. They resent much about the current structure of business, and expect constant feedback. A little give and take on both sides of the issue will be needed to effectively resolve this problem. Finally the psychological needs are the most difficult thing to address. Because of the cultural differences in the generations, both parties must be open to what each other can bring to the table. Both the Gen Xers and Gen Yers want respect, and each party shows respect in different ways. Therefore, an understanding must be reached to achieve the desired result. If parties feel respected they will be more willing to participate, and trust each other. Conclusion This is an ongoing circle of conflict. People are creatures of habit and are not generally open to change. Throughout time, each generation has had contempt of some form for the generation that follows. The incoming generation has always felt that they know more than the ones they are replacing. The important thing to remember is that open communication channels will benefit the workplace. Each generation will better understand each other, and will be able to learn from one another. Generation Y must understand that the business world is very different from their childhood. Generation X must understand that not all change is bad. The humorous side of this is that in 20 years. The generation Y will have the same issues with Generation Z as Generation X had with them. Works Cited Mayer, B. (2000). The Dynamics of Conflict Resolution: A Practitioner’s Guide. San Francisco, CA, USA: Jossey-Bass. Williams, R. (2009, September 8). Why Are You Not Like Me? The Generational Gap In The Workplace. Retrieved February 2, 2012, from Psychology Today:

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Labor Relations Essay

In reviewing information pertaining to labor unions, there is a plethora of information about unions in the transportation industry. One of the most widely known unions is the teamster unions, which deals with truckers. Labor unions and issues with automotive industry are often seen in the media. The newest transportation industry in American history is the airline industry. As the newest transportation industry that is still vital to American comfort, convenience, and commercial, the airline industry is ripe for workers to organize and demand a greater piece of the profits from operations. In this essay, an effort will be made to review this company in regards to labor relations. Company’s stance toward Labor Delta Airlines was founded by C. E. Woolman, an agriculture extension agent (Anthony, Kacmar, & Perrewe, 2010). C. E Woolman was not a banker, venture capitalist or war pilot, as many of the competing airlines were. He didn’t have the aggressive military style that many of the other airline founders had. What C. E. Woolman instilled within the employees at all levels of the organization is that people matter and should be treated fairly and equitably. This philosophy led Delta Airlines to be the leader in customer service from the company’s inception through the many mergers over the years. Through the difficult financial times when other airlines were laying off employees and filing for bankruptcy, Delta continued to pay their people well and keep them employed. There was an exception during the Ronald Allen CEO era of 1987 thru 1997. Human relations took a significant down turn during his tenure as CEO, especially during 1993 and 1994, but Delta decided to part ways with Allen and began repairing those fragile relationships with its employees. Delta Airlines still focuses on the human relations factor and has been able to repair the relationship with its employees; they believe it is their key to success. Despite the corporate culture to take care of its employees, a number of Delta employee departments are unionizing. They feel as though that piece is not being distributed justly. Formulate a strategy for negotiating a labor agreement Human behavior dictates that there will be problems. As a company starts making money, there is always a desire by the employees to acquire more of the profit. On the other hand, management has a desire to retain as much of the profit to be provided to investors and to receive bonuses for their â€Å"supposedly† wise business practices. When one group wants more and another wants to retain, there will be conflict. And this is precisely what is happening at Delta Airline, as well as among many industries in the transportation arena. Employees, seeking to gain an upper hand threaten to strike; however, management must be willing to address the matter through negotiation. The Negotiation Process Fisher and Ury recommend conducting negotiations according to the process of â€Å"principled negotiation. † Their method has four main tenets: 1. Separate the people from the problem. The idea should be for both sides to work together to attack a problem, rather than attacking each other. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to overcome emotional responses and set aside egos. 2. Focus on interests rather than positions. The natural tendency in many negotiations—for example, dickering over the price to be paid for an antique—is for both sides to state a position and then move toward middle ground. Fisher and Ury warn against confusing people’s stated positions with their underlying interests, and claim that positions often tend to obscure what people truly hope to gain through negotiation. 3. Generate a variety of options before deciding what to do. The pressure involved in any type of negotiation tends to narrow people’s vision and inhibit their creativity, making it difficult to find optimal solutions to problems. Instead, Fisher and Ury suggest developing a wide range of possible solutions as part of the negotiating process. These possible solutions should attempt to advance shared interests and reconcile differences. 4. Base the result on objective criteria. No one will be happy with the result of a negotiation if they feel that they have been taken advantage of. The solution is to find and apply some fair standard to the problem in order to guarantee a mutually beneficial result. Fisher and Ury’s principles provide a good overall guide for the actual negotiation process. In his book, Nierenberg offered a number of other tips and strategies that may be effective in promoting successful negotiations. For example, it may be helpful to ask questions in order to form a better understanding of the needs and interests of the other side. The questions must be phrased diplomatically and timed correctly in order to avoid an antagonistic response. The idea is to gain information and uncover basic assumptions without immediately taking positions. Nierenberg stressed the importance of listening carefully to the other side’s responses, as well as studying their facial expressions and body language, in order to gain quality information. Nierenberg noted that good negotiators will employ a variety of means to accomplish their objectives. Small business owners should be aware of some of the more common strategies and techniques that they may see others apply or may wish to apply themselves. One common strategy is forbearance, or â€Å"patience pays,† which covers any sort of wait or delay in negotiations. If one side wishes to confer in private, or adjourn briefly, they are employing a strategy of forbearance. Another common strategy is to present a fait accompli, or come to a final offer and leave it up to the other side to decide whether to accept it. In a simple example, a small business owner may scratch out one provision in a contract that he or she finds unacceptable, then sign it and send it back. The other party to the contract then must decide whether to accept the revised agreement. Nierenberg warns that this strategy can be risky, and encourages those who employ it to carefully appraise the consequences first. Another possible negotiating strategy is reversal, which involves taking a position that seems opposed to the original one. Similarly, feinting involves apparently moving in one direction in order to ivert attention from the true goal. For example, a negotiator may give in on a point that is not very important in order to make the real objective more attainable. Another strategy involves setting limits on the negotiation, whether with regards to time, the people involved, or other factors. It is also possible to change the participation in the negotiation if it seems to be at an impasse. For example, a neutral third party may be enlisted to help, or one or two people from each side may be sent off to continue the negotiation separately. It may also be helpful to break down the problem into small pieces and tackle them one by one. Another strategy might be to trade sides for a short time and try to view the situation from each other’s perspective. All of these techniques may be applied either to gain advantage or to push forward a negotiation that has apparently reached an impasse. Analyze the principle economic and administrative issues The airline industry is a fast growing sector demonstrating a very strong growth rate. It is associated with a number of social and economic benefits and is a growing contributor to the global inventory (Whitelegg, 2000). Business cycles have a wide reaching impact on the airline industry; during recession, air travel was considered a luxury and therefore spending is cut which leads to reduced prices. The industry creates its impact not just by providing direct employment, but also through the creation of opportunities throughout the travel and hospitality sector of the economy. Jobs in hotels, resorts, restaurants and car rental agencies are all impacted by the airline industry (Global Airline Industry Program, 2011). The airline industry itself is a major economic force, both in terms of its own operations and its impacts on related industries such as aircraft manufacturing and tourism. There are few industries that create the amount and intensity of attention that airlines receive, not only among its participants but from government policy makers and the media as well. The crucial issues on the table vary depending on whether the person is in management or is a worker. For management, the key to retain as much money as possible, while for the workers the goal is to obtain more of the profit. Thus, in management, the argument would be made to show how much money is used to provide employee insurances and benefits, reinvest in equipment and aircraft, general property and liability. On top of that, investors must be repaid. For the employee or worker, this is a stressful environment where the employee needs to be compensated for his work-related stress. Employee paid benefits continues to decrease, and the employee is forced to pay a disproportionate share. Thus, the employee needs more money just to live at a sustainable level. Recommend policies and procedures to administer a labor contract and resolve disputes. It is of utmost importance to resolve conflict expeditiously and justly for all parties involved. Thus, I would recommend the following policies as a means to resolve disputes: When a team oversteps the mark of healthy difference of opinion, resolving conflict requires respect and patience. The human experience of conflict involves our emotions, perceptions, and actions; we experience it on all three levels, and we need to address all three levels to resolve it. We must replace the negative experiences with positive ones. Acknowledge the conflict – The conflict has to be acknowledged before it can be managed and resolved. The tendency is for people to ignore the first signs of conflict, perhaps as it seems trivial, or is difficult to differentiate from the normal, healthy debate that teams can thrive on. If you are concerned about the conflict in your team, discuss it with other members. Once the team recognizes the issue, it can start the process of resolution. †¢ Discuss the impact – As a team, discuss the impact the conflict is having on team dynamics and performance. Agree to a cooperative process – Everyone involved must agree to cooperate in to resolve the conflict. This means putting the team first, and may involve setting aside your opinion or ideas for the time being. If someone wants to win more than he or she wants to resolve the conflict, you may find yourself at a stalemate. †¢ Agree to communicate – The most important thing throughout the resolution process is for everyone to keep communications open. The people involved need to talk about the issue and discuss their strong feelings. Active listening is essential here because to move on you eed to really understand where the other person is coming from. Determine the most likely interest dispute and determine how you could leverage economic pressure to help resolve that dispute. â€Å"There is no way to overstate the role â€Å"leverage† plays when it comes to achieving favorable settlements. Leverage is defined as: â€Å"positional advantage; the power to act effectively; strategic advantage†. Stated more simply, your leverage is whatever power you have† (Cory, 2011). Leverage is usually more about situational advantage than objective strength or power. For example, a single individual or small business may have few resources relative to a large corporation but still have situational advantage by virtue of being able to compel the larger corporation to appear and answer in a favorable venue. Likewise even when there is a legitimate claim which could result in a significant loss to the defendant, if the plaintiff does not have the resources or the fortitude to stay the course, then the defendant has the situational advantage by virtue of being able to delay and wait the plaintiff out. Leverage can be real or imagined. Your actual leverage at any point in time is based only on the other side’s perception of your leverage (which can obviously differ significantly from the actual facts). There are obviously situations where you have an information advantage, such as when you know about a weakness in your case that is not yet known by the other side. In such a situation you will, perhaps only briefly, appear to have more leverage than you actually do. Likewise, you can be at an information disadvantage such as when you mistakenly think that the other side has a stronger case than they actually do. There are also situations where you mistakenly think that your case is stronger than it actually is which occurs when for one reason or another you don’t have all the facts, or when the facts have not been accurately relayed to you. But regardless of your actual leverage, if there is no fear on the other side, you have little if any effective leverage (Cory, 2011).

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Character of Gilgamesh essays

Character of Gilgamesh essays Analysis of the Character of Gilgamesh In the epic of Gilgamesh, there are many complex characters. Every character involved in the story has there own personality and traits. The main character in the novel is Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh is a character that is very self-confident. He feels that he is superior to others, due to the fact that he is two-thirds god, and one-third man. This arrogance leads to his being cruel at the beginning of the story. Gilgamesh is described as, a two-thirds of him divine, one-third human... Gilgamesh does not allow the son to go with his father; day and night he oppresses the weak... Gilgamesh does not let the young woman go to her mother, the girl to the warrior, the bride to the young groom (tablet I, column ii, 1, 12-13, 27-28). Gilgamesh is a man with no equal, so he feels superior. Although Gilgamesh starts out cruel he develops into a very kindhearted man. He is extremely supportive of Enkidu and encourages him in various situations. When the men are fighting Hubbub Gilgamesh says, a [you] will surpass all of them... a friend who knows battle understands fighting... stand, friend, we will [go up] together (tablet IV, column vi, 29, 31, 37). Gilgamesh also exhibits his sensitivity when Enkidu dies. He says, For Enkidu, for my friend, I weep like a wailing woman, howling bitterly... an evil has risen up and robbed mean (tablet VIII, column ii, 2, 6). As a result of Enkidus death, Gilgamesh also shows that he is afraid of death. Gilgamesh denies the fact that he too will die one day. He goes on a quest searching for immortality, which ends up being pointless. Through these actions Gilgamesh shows that he is denying the fact that he is mortal. At one point he says, t the fate of mankind overtook him [Enkidu]... in fear of death I roam the wilderness... me, shall I not lie down like him, never again to move (tablet X, column ii, 3, 8, 13-14). These thoughts result ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

International Baccalaureate vs Advanced Placement

International Baccalaureate vs Advanced Placement Most people are familiar with AP, or Advanced Placement courses, but more and more families are learning about the International Baccalaureate, and wondering, whats the difference between the two programs? Heres a review of each program, and an overview of how they differ.   The AP Program AP coursework and exams are developed and administered by  and include 35 courses and exams in 20 subject areas. AP  or Advanced Placement Program consists of a three-year sequence of course work in a specific subject. It is available to serious students in Grades 10 to 12. The course work culminates in rigorous examinations held in May of the graduating year. AP Grading The examinations are scored on a five-point scale, with 5 being the highest mark attainable. The course work in a given subject is generally equivalent to a first-year college course. As a result, a student who achieves a 4 or 5 is usually permitted to skip the corresponding course as a freshman in college. Administered by the College Board, the AP program is guided by a panel of expert educators from around the U.S.A. This great program prepares students for the rigors of college-level work. AP Subjects Subjects offered include: Art HistoryBiologyCalculus AB BCChemistryComputer Science AEconomicsEnglishEnvironmental ScienceEuropean HistoryFrenchGerman LanguageGovernment PoliticsHuman GeographyInternational English Language (APIEL)LatinMusic TheoryPhysicsPsychologySpanishStatisticsStudio ArtUS HistoryWorld History Each year, according to the College Board, more than half a million students take over a million  Advanced Placement exams! College Credits and AP Scholar Awards Each college or university sets its own admissions requirements. Good scores in AP coursework indicate  to admissions staff that a student has achieved a recognized standard in that subject area. Most schools will accept scores of 3 or above as the equivalent of their introductory or first-year courses in the same subject area. Consult university websites for details. The College Board offers a series of 8 Scholar Awards which recognize outstanding scores in AP examinations. Advanced Placement International Diploma In order to earn the Advanced Placement International Diploma (APID) students must earn a grade of 3 or higher in five specified subjects. One of these subjects must be chosen from the AP global course offerings: AP World History, AP Human Geography, or  AP Government and Politics: Comparative. The APID is the College Boards answer to the  IBs international cachet  and acceptance. It is aimed at students studying abroad and American students who wish to attend university in a foreign country. Its important to note, however, this is not a replacement for a high school diploma, it is only a certificate. Description of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Program The  IB  is a comprehensive curriculum designed to prepare students for liberal arts education at the tertiary level. It is directed by the  International Baccalaureate  Organisation headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. The mission of the IBO is to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. In North America over 645 schools offer IB programs. IB Programmes The IBO offers three programmes: the  Diploma Programme  for juniors and seniorsthe  Middle Years Programme  for students aged 11 to 16the  Primary Years Programme  for students aged 3 to 12 The programmes form a sequence but can be offered independently according to the needs of individual schools. The IB Diploma Programme The IB Diploma is truly international in its philosophy and aims. The curriculum requires balance and research. For instance, a science student has to become familiar with a foreign language, and a humanities student must understand laboratory procedures. In addition, all candidates for the IB diploma must undertake some extensive research into one of over sixty subjects. The IB Diploma is accepted at universities in over 115 countries. Parents appreciate the rigorous training and education which the IB programs offer their children.   What do AP and IB have in common? The International Baccalaureate (IB) and Advanced Placement (AP) are both  about excellence. A school doesnt commit to preparing students for these rigorous examinations lightly. Expert, well-trained faculty must implement and teach the courses which culminate in those examinations. They put a schools reputation squarely on the line. It boils down to two things: credibility and universal acceptance. These are key factors in a schools graduates gaining admission to the colleges and universities which they wish to attend. College admissions officers usually have a pretty good idea of a schools academic standards if the school has previously submitted applicants. The schools track record is more or less established by those prior candidates.  Grading policies  are understood. Curriculum taught has been examined. But what about a new school or a school from a foreign country or a school which is determined to upgrade its product? The AP and IB credentials immediately convey credibility. The standard is well-known and understood. Other things being equal, the college knows that a candidate with success in the AP or IB is ready for tertiary level work. The payoff for the student is exemption for many entry-level courses. This, in turn, means that the student gets his or her degree requirements completed more quickly. It also means fewer credits have to be paid for. How do APandIB differ? Reputation:  While the AP is widely accepted for course credit and recognized for its excellence at universities throughout the U.S., the IB Diploma Programmes reputation is even greater. Most international universities recognize and respect an IB diploma. Fewer U.S. schools offer the IB program than the AP- over 14,000 AP schools vs less than 1,000 IB schools according to  US News, but that number is on the rise for IB.  Style of Learning and  Courses:  The AP program has students focus deeply on one particular subject, and usually for a short period of time. The IB program takes a more holistic approach that focuses on a subject by not only delving in deep, but also applying it to other areas. Many IB courses are two-year continuous courses of study, vs. the APs one-year-only approach. IB courses related to each other in a coordinated cross-curricular approach with specific overlapping between the studies. AP courses are singular and not designed to be a part of an overla pping course of study between disciplines. AP courses are one level of study, while IB offers both a standard level and a higher level.   Requirements:  AP courses can be taken at will, in any manner at any time according to the schools discretion. While some schools do allow students to enroll in IB courses in a similar manner, if a student specifically wants to be a candidate for an IB diploma, they must take two years of exclusive IB courses in accordance with rules and regulations from the IBO. IB students aiming for the diploma must take at least 3 higher level courses.  Testing:  Educators have described the difference between the two testing methods as follows: AP tests to see what you dont know; IB tests to see what you do know. AP tests are designed to see what students know about a specific subject, pure and simple.  IB tests ask students to reflect on the knowledge they possess in order to test a students skills and abilities to analyze and present information, evaluate and make arguments, and creatively solve problems.  Diploma:  AP students who meet specific criteria receive a certificate that has an international reputation, but still only graduate with a traditional high school diploma. On the other hand, IB students who meet the required criteria and scores at schools in the US will receive two diplomas: the traditional high school diploma as well as the International Baccalaureate Diploma.   Rigor:  Many AP students will note that their studies are more demanding than non-AP peers, but they have the option to pick and choose courses at will. IB students, on the other hand, but take only IB courses if they wish to qualify for the IB diploma. IB students regularly express that their studies are extremely demanding. While they report high levels of stress during the program, most IB students report being incredibly prepared for college and appreciative of the rigor after they complete the program.   AP vs. IB: Which is Right for Me? Flexibility is a major factor in determining which program is right for you. AP courses provide more wiggle room when it comes to choosing courses, the order in which they are taken, and more. IB courses require a strict course of study for two solid years. If studying outside of the US is not a priority and youre unsure about the commitment to an IB program, then an AP program may be right for you. Both programs will prepare you for college, but where you plan to study may be a deciding factor in which program you choose. Article edited by Stacy Jagodowski