Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Self Reflection Analysis Everybody Has One A...

Self-Reflection Analysis Kellae Gyening Troy University Dr. Barbara Toner February 18, 2016 Self-Reflection Analysis â€Å"Everybody has one—a personality, that is—and yours will help determine the boundaries of your success and life fulfillment† ( (Schultz Schultz, 2012, p. 2). Correspondingly, the authors emphasize that personality is the most significant attribute of all individuals. Gordon Allport introduced the world to the original theoretical view of personality traits in 1937 (Phelps, 2015). Specifications of his theory classified 50 characterizations of personality, categorized as traits (Allport 1937, as cited in Phelps, 2015). Up until the present time with the exception of supplementary characterizations and theories, minimal theoretical shifts have transpired. Accordingly, Allport came to be known as the originator of the theory of personality (Phelps, 2015). Self-Reflection According to the Meyer -Briggs Type Indicator, I am considered to be an ENFP. This represents Extrovert (E), iNtuitive (N), Feeling (F), and Perceiving (P), all of which signify four aspects of preferences, which classify individual style of personality. (Butt Heiss, n.d.). After taking the inventory I discovered that I am considered to be both an idealistic and people person, perceiving everything as part of a â€Å"cosmic whole† (Butt Heiss, n.d., p. n.p). Additionally, indications of this type, aspire to aid others in need and have a desire to be well-liked, bothShow MoreRelatedThe Importance of Self-Reflection1235 Words   |  5 Pagesindividuals personality develops out of the perception of those who are around them and how they interactions with people in the community (Martin Yeung, 2003). This enables one to internalize and assume what people perceive them to be. People construct their personalities based on other peoples opinions on them. The society moulds langu age and communication skills, conflict handling and better judgments. 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